Let’s Get Active: Fun Ways to Keep Your Body Moving!

Fun Ways to Keep Your Body Moving in the right direction. Kids will love to [...]

Games for ADHD Kids to Elevate Holiday Happiness

Let's explore tips and engaging activities that promise to ease the stresses and amplify the [...]


Things to Do on a Road Trip With Family: Movement Break Ideas

If you're fortunate enough to travel this holiday season and looking for things to do [...]

New LEGO® Study Demonstrates Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development

Play forms an essential part of childhood development because it contributes to cognitive, physical and [...]

Whole Body Learning Provides Healthy Challenges for Kids in Preschool

It’s back-to-school time for our American families and colleagues! Time to park the bicycles, tricycles [...]

Benefits of Heavy Work Activities for Pre- & Elementary School Aged Children – A Scientific Review

Here we present A Scientific Review of the Benefits of Heavy Work Activities for Preschool [...]

How to Boost Mental Accuity by Allowing Children to Barefoot Play

We recently shared an article that discussed the wonderful benefits children enjoy by gardening.

Children’s Garden Fun – Encouraging Outdoor Time & Respect for Nature

Gardening is such a fun way to encourage outdoor time! It also nurtures in youngsters [...]

Outdoor Activities for Kids: Beach vs Snow

We hope you’ve all enjoyed a relaxing and fun holiday season with your families! And [...]

Gift Wrapping to Help Your Child With Fine Motor Skills Development

We see messages all the time. Parents crying out to help their child, not realising [...]

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