Overstimulated meaning a child with overwhelming sensory inputs

Overstimulated meaning that a child is overloaded with sensory information, new experiences, or demands from [...]

The eight essential elements of effective Brain Breaks

The eight essential elements of effective Brain Breaks. How it will help your child’s focus [...]

A surprisingly easy way to help Attention Deficits and ADHD sensory issues.

A surprisingly easy way to help Attention Deficits and ADHD sensory issues. Learn more.

Is Easter with less chocolate possible?

Nowadays, Easter is a candy- and chocolate-filled holiday. However, there are still fun ways to [...]

Self Confidence Positive Affirmations in Uncoordinated Children: Q&A with Colette Dekker

What do we mean when we talk about “clumsiness”? What are coordination challenges? What makes [...]


Helping Children Develop Fine Motor Skills in a Digital World

It’s so important for children to develop fine motor skills, but in the digital era, [...]


Home Strategies OT for Autism: Q&A with Jessica McMurdie, Bellevue, WA

Enjoy this replay from our live Q&A chat on Facebook with Jessica McMurdie on "OT [...]


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