Sensory Rooms: A Calming Oasis for Children with Vestibular Sensory Processing Disorder

Did you know that there are 7 senses, not just 5? Two other senses are [...]

Neuroplasticity Exercises for Kids: A Brain Workout That’s Fun and Effective

Neuroplasticity exercises are like a workout for your brain. Activities designed to challenge and encourage [...]

10 Tips for Parenting a Special Needs Child

Don’t despair, here are 10 Tips and special needs resources to parent your special needs [...]

Success Story: Ros

The Year 6’s enjoyed the exercises. I used it after the first break and midway [...]

Success Story: Nadine

The students like the format as it is not distracting and easy to follow the [...]

Success Story: Mikailah

I have just read your listed research endorsing your programmes, thank you for such diligence [...]

Success Story: Sarah

The children were really engaged with the exercises, I use it twice per day.

Success Story: Jordan

CoordiKids Classroom Course was very good in calming students after play. I use it once [...]

Success Story: Micka

Thank you so much for the CoordiKids Classroom Course link. It is really good for [...]

Success Story: Year 5 student

Before CoordiClass I found it hard to think of words to use in my writing [...]

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