Effective Wednesday, 1 May 2024, CoordiKids is implementing a new cancellation policy. Our goal is to ensure that we can provide timely and effective services to all our clients and make sure that we can offer cancellations to clients on our waiting lists with sufficient notice.

To achieve this, we will be putting in place the following requirements for all appointments:

Notice for Cancellations

All clients must provide at least one full business day for any appointment cancellation. This is necessary to manage our appointment schedule and offer appointments to other clients waiting for a space to become available.

Cancellation Fee

If a client fails to provide the required one business day notice for a cancellation, they will be charged the full fee for the missed appointment. This fee is necessary to cover the time and resources allocated for the appointment.

Medicare rebates and bulk billing are not available for cancelled appointments, so the full fee for the service will apply.

Payment of Cancellation Fee

Cancellation fees must be paid at or before the next scheduled appointment. Failure to comply with this requirement may temporarily suspend services until the outstanding payment is settled.


We understand that emergencies and unforeseen circumstances can occur. Exceptions to this policy will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Clients are encouraged to contact us as soon as possible to discuss any extenuating circumstances that may prevent them from adhering to this policy. Please get in touch with the office on 07 5648 2626 or [email protected]

Alternatives to Cancellation

To accommodate our clients’ needs and preferences, we may be able to offer alternative options to in-person appointments, depending on your circumstances. These include:

Telehealth Services: You may opt for a telehealth appointment rather than cancelling. This is a convenient option for receiving healthcare services remotely. Please get in touch with us to discuss whether this is a suitable option for your service.

Report Writing/information gathering: If applicable, clients may request report writing, information gathering or resource development services instead of their appointment. This option allows our clients to receive valuable information and support without needing a face-to-face consultation.

PLEASE NOTE: Medicare rebates cannot be applied in these circumstances, as they require direct consultation with the patient to be eligible for rebates.

Scheduling Your Next Appointment

We recommend scheduling your next appointment as soon as possible to ensure you receive a time and date that best suits your needs. Our team is here to assist with rescheduling and will work with you to find a convenient appointment time.

Contact Information

For cancellations, rescheduling, or any inquiries related to this policy, please get in touch with us at

Phone: 07 5648 2626

Email: [email protected]